At New Covenant Communion Supply your satisfaction is always 100% guaranteed. You may return most items within 30 days of delivery for a full refund, even exchange, or obtain credit on account.
We will pay the return shipping costs if the return is a result of defective or incorrect product.
A 20% restocking fee will be assessed for all returned communion ware.
Contact us toll free at (866) 902-2877 or send an email through our contact form and speak to one of our customer representatives to schedule a return.
Your privacy is important to us!
When you are visiting our website, we collect various types of information to improve your interaction with the site and to track your usage patterns so that we can improve the site in the future.
Examples of the types of data we capture are:
The data that we capture from our website will in no way be shared or sold to any third party. Access to personal information is closely monitored and available on a need to know basis only.
The collected data is used in two ways:
Aggregate Information: All data that we collect regarding your usage of the site is summarized (aggregated) into reports to help us improve the site. We in no way use the data to track your personal usage of the site. The only exception to this is the use of login statistics when accessing your account. This only applies to users who have elected to create a user name and password.
Personal Information: All personal data that you provide through the site (i.e. name, address, credit card or banking information) will be used only for its intended purpose.